Hi, I don't really know how to write a readme file, so I'll just leave it at that. Anyone who doesn't understand how the game is played, wants to know more about it, or just wants to give some much wanted positive feedback is welcome to contact me by email at: reiter@actcom.co.il If you want to use snail mail (which I can't for the life of me understand), then you can contact me at: Kobi Reiter 21 Kidron St. Ahuza, Haifa Israel. but I still don't know why you would do that. This program is FREEWARE, not shareware, mainly because I think it is too complicated to set up as being shareware and recieving registrations. Not to mention the fact that I have NEVER actualy bought a shareware product. It's not that I don't think that it is a great idea and should be supported, it's just that living in Israel makes it quite tough to send money to the states and such. As a result I try to use freeware for most of my stuff. This version didn't use a card dll file, mainly because I couldn't get any to work properly. An honorable mention (now which magazine have I been reading recently?), goes to Qcards.dll version 2.0 which was the only one which actually caused me to rewrite the code to fit it, but then didn't work like I needed it to. Yes, I know I'm blabbering alot, and this *is* only a readme file, so... remember - my email is reiter@actcom.co.il and Positive feedback WOULD BE APPRECIATED. Thanks Kobi Reiter